Arithmetic Apparel
is an idea that emerged from Jason's sleep-deprived mind while on a flight home from the motherland of China (represent the P-ROC). After pitching the idea to his sister, Crystal, on the drive home from the airport, Arithmetic Apparel was born: tshirts for the educated, tshirts for the fashionable, tshirts for the everyperson.
WIth just Crystal's knowledge of design and Jason's knowledge of nothing, they slowly figured things out. Things like "how do you make a shirt?" and "what the hell are we doing?". After much thought, research, and effort, they are now ready to take the beginning of steps.
Right now it's tshirts. Right now it's an online (ad)venture. Right now only their friends and family care. But stay around. These two got some ideas swirling. And maybe another gem will appear after another long flight.