Facebooking Obama

Slate does a great current event summary through the format of Obama’s Facebook feed. Pretty funny and informative, check out the social networking action here.

Obama’s People

Obama's People

In preparation for the inauguration, the New York Times will publish 52 portrait shots of Barack Obama’s top ‘people’ taken by Nadav Kander and Kathy Ryan.

The shots can be seen online with audio from the photographers here.

After viewing the photos, I was most blown away by the three gentlemen below. Jon Favreau (Speechwriting Director), Eugene Kang (Special Assistant to the President), and Reggie Love (Personal Aide to the President, probably the President’s goto power forward) are the three youngest members of Obama’s cadre at 27, 24, and 26 respectively. It’s nuts that these guys are just a couple years older than me, and yet they already have their hands in one of the biggest moments of recent history and some really sweet gigs.

Jon Favreau, Eugene Kang, Reggie Love


I have a feeling things won’t be the same anymore.
And from what I can hear and see from my room, Philadelphia feels the same way. From speaking to my parents and friends, it is clear that we are in the middle of something monumental.
Exaltation, relief, pride, joy…I don’t know enough words to characterize how I feel or explain why I am trembling.