credit for this story goes to pandorable and her mom..and to the unknown person who wrote it
The Five Silly Bears
Silly 5: What a nice day! I like being here at the pond.
Silly 2: I do, too. Everything went well. We had a very good time. But we came here to catch fish, and none of us caught any.
Silly 5: I know. But it’s time to go home. Mother will be worried.
Silly 1: Yes, it’s getting dark—too dark to see all of us.
Silly 3: Well, I know that I’m here. Do you think something happened to one of us?
Silly 5: Well. I don’t. I’ll count us and see if one of us is missing. Here goes: one, two, three, four.
Silly 3: Oh, no! There were five of us when we came to the pond. You have counted only four.
Silly 2: A Silly Bear is missing.
Silly 4: Boohoo! Boohoo! One Silly Bear fell into the pond. What should we do?
Silly 2: We’ll have to pull him out!
Silly 3: Wait, let me think. Maybe you didn’t count every bear, Silly Five.
Silly 5: Yes, I did!
Silly 3: Well then, who’s missing?
Silly 1: Not me. And not you. It has to be a bear who isn’t here.
Silly 2: Look, here comes fox. He’s smart. Let’s ask him for help.
Silly 4: Fox can’t help us. We need someone strong to help us pull a Silly Bear out of the pond. Boohoo! Boohoo!
Fox: Why are you crying, you silly Bear?
Silly 4: One of us is missing, Fox! One of us fell into the pond.
Silly 5: Well, maybe. We know that when we came here, there were five Silly Bears. Now we count only four.
Silly 1: I’d like to find the missing Silly Bear, but I can’t see a thing!
Silly 4: We have to pull that Silly Bear out of the pond.
Fox: Wait, who did the counting?
Silly 5: I did.
Fox: Count again, Silly Bear Five. This time I’ll watch you.
Silly 5: One, two, three, four.
Silly 4: See Fox? We told you so. There are only four of us. Boohoo!
Fox: Wait, Silly Bear Four! There’s nothing to cry about. But there may be something to laugh about.
Silly 4: Something to laugh about? Have you found the missing Silly Bear?
Fox: No one is missing. Watch me count. One, two, three, four, five.
Silly 3: Five bears! When Silly Five counted, he counted only four bears!
Silly 5: Where did you find the missing bear? Did you pull him out of the pond? Or did I forget someone?
Fox: You forgot someone, Silly Five. When you counted, you forgot to count yourself!
Silly 5: Oh, that was silly of me.
Silly 1: Well, now that Fox has shown us that we are all here, we can go home.
All the bears: Thanks for find us, Fox. Good-bye!
Fox: Good-bye, you very Silly Bears. And don’t forget this, Silly Five. When counting Silly Bears, count yourself, too!
Silly 5: OK, Fox. You can count on me!
I credit this to my mom. She’s an amazing woman that puts stories between her receipes. This one’s for YOU MA!!!!!!!!!! Peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!