Before I begin, I want to wish everyone a merry christmas.
Now on to the first installment of College Recap. For all of you who do not know, I am a student at the University of Pennsylvania and I am a resident of the Hill College House, dungeon floor.
Hill College House has been described as:
Among the notable college houses are Hill College House, a veritable prison designed to quarantine freshmen from the rest of the student population so as to prevent the spread of highly contagious froshenteritis. (uncyclopedia)
Hill Atrium. Dining hall below.
My hall is known as the dungeon, and I share a room with the oppresive force known as Gregory Tainter. I’m just going to put up some pictures of my room in this post and maybe I’ll do a post in the future profiling each person in the dungeon family. So upon entrance into my room you will see this:
notice the bars on the windows. and the small dungeonlike ambience of the room.
dungeon-like ambiance? it’s not THAT bad, please, and tainter is not an oppressive force. he’s more like a big teddy bear. that can kick your ass in crew.